스리랑카에 내린 붉은 비

2012. 11. 19. 10:03자연재해와 전염병

스리랑카에 11.15 붉은비가 내렸는데 이유는 아직까지 밝혀지지않았으며 그 비 성분에 DNA는 발견되지 않았다. 스리랑카과학자들은 특이한 현상이라고 보고했다.


Red rain in Sri Lanka

Rare showers of red rain fell for over 15 minutes in Sewanagala, Monaragala and Manampitiya,Polonnaruwa yesterday morning hours of yesterday and day before yesterday. According to Meteorology Department sources red rain fell heavily in these areas and the reason has not been found yet.

Red rain in Sewanagala and Manampitiya left red frost on the ground. This is the first time red rain was witnessed in Sri Lanka. The Health Ministry Secretary informed Medical Research Institute (MRI) Director Dr Anil Samaranayake to conduct a study to ascertain the reasons for red rain by taking water samples from Monaragala and Polonnaruwa.

Increase in the acidity of the air and sand storms are the usual reasons for red rain. However, there are no sand storms in Sri Lanka. India had red rain last year and Indian scientists discovered a variety of micro organisms as a reason for the rains. Since the micro organisms had no DNA, they guessed it had to be a strange phenomenon.

The MRI is carrying out research to find the exact reason for red rain in Sri Lanka