이는(경제붕괴) 전쟁을 통해 끝날 것이다

2013. 1. 2. 12:39세계정세

2013년에 디플레이션에서 하이퍼로

변하게 됩니다

하이퍼에선 금값이 아래로 내려갈

가능성이 없습니다

또한 미국의채무도 엄청나게 불어날것입니다

이것을 해결할길은 전쟁밖에 없습니다


당신은 옳게 끝나는 것을 어떻게 알아이것은 전쟁을 통해 종료합니다.


2006  미국인은  신용 카드와  자리 부동산 성장을 향해 높게 비행하고 있을때헤지 펀드 매니저 카일베이스씨는 뭔가 아주 잘못되어가고있다는 결론에 도달했습니다그와 그의 투자자는 거대한 부동산 거품이 하위의 주요 모기지에 형성되고 있었다고 판단합니다. . 하지만 단지 예측을 하는 대신 그들의 40억달러의 돈을 폭파하는 부동산시장에 밀어넣는 도박을감행했다


당시 업계와 금융 원에서 많은 사람들이 그를 미쳤다고 생각했습니다.

그러나 역사는 그가 옳았다는 것을 증명한다.


부동산 거품이 드디어 터졌을때주식 시장은 급감했고 모기지 담보 증권은 저렴한 가격으로 떨어졌다베이스씨와 헤지 펀드가 이 과정에서 수십억을 (벌었다)


베이스씨의 '선견지명은  20분의 20이었고지금은  대부분의 미국인은  상상할  없는 끔찍한 부동산 위기와 경기침체를 경고하고있다.


이러한 상황에서 많게 정량 분석 이미 이루어졌습니다.

해명 할때와 어떻게 해명이되냐 문제이고사건의 연대기와 사건의 가능성은 앞으로 가는 키라고생각합니다.


내가 생각하는 일은 세계에서 지난 10 년간 부채에 관심을 지불  정말 중요한 -  신용 시장의부채이며, 대차 대조표주권 의무기업 부채가구 부채에  $80 조달러에서 $200 달러 이상으로 성장했습니다.


우리는 세계 역사의 부채는 세계 최대의 평화 축적에 오늘 앉아있다 ...

... 당신이 어떻게 끝나는게 옳은지 알고 있습니까?

이것은 전쟁을 통해 종료 ...


 누가 싸우려 하려는지 누군지 몰라 단지 작은 분들이 앞으로   동안은 전쟁이 분화  있습니다 확신 해요, ...


  사회 불안을 볼것이다


당신은 그리스의 거대한 폭동을 보고당신은 음식을 통해 세계의 다른 부분에서  폭동이 표시(식품의 부족)  실제 우리가 보고있는 재정 문제의 파생 상품입니다우리는 다른 국가에 인플레이션을 수출하고 있습니다앞으로 문제가 생길것입니다.


그들이 당신에게 말하려 하지 않을것입니다 [붕괴가 오는 것을]. 당신은 당신을 위해 봐야 합니다. [데킬라 위기 동안], 멕시코 정부는  거의 매일평가절하하지 않을것이고 체납하지 않을것이라 단언했다우리는 평가절하하지않을것입니다 말한뒤에 다음날 60%평가절하 하였다.


정부는 무슨 일이 일어나려하는지  말을 못할거야.


그리스의 Yunker씨는 심각하게   - 당신은 거짓말  필요가 있다고'최근 밝혔다이사람들은 진실을 말할  없기 때문에당신에게 진실을    없습니다그들의 임무는 당신에게 진실을 말하지 못하고신뢰를 촉진하는 것입니다.


미국유럽과 세계의 나머지 국가들은 세계의 역사에 존재  것보다  많은 부채를 만들었습니다.미래의 작품 - 부채는 미래 수익의 기대 불과합니다그러나 우리들  많은 사람들이알다시피 우리가 가능한한 갚을 것으로 예상할수없는 그렇게 많은 돈의 차용이 있었습니다사실우리가 예상  수있는 유일한 것은 우리가  많은 부채를 채용하는것을 계속한다는 것입니다.


(근처미래의 어떤 시점에서플러그인을 당기게될 필요가 있고 아무도  이상 돈을 빌려주지 못할 것이다 2008 년에 세계 신용 시장이 얼어 붙었을  우리는 작은 규모로 봤다아무도 돈을 빌려줄수 없습니다은행은 개인과 기업에게 돈을 빌려주는 것을 거부했을뿐만 아니라,사람들이 심지어서로에게 돈을 빌려주는것을 거부하는 많은 위험이 발생했습니다.


세계 중앙 은행 미국 연방 준비가 긴급하게 대출하여 수조달러를 프린팅하여 금융 시장을 잠재웠다 상황이 정상으로 돌아 간것으로 많은 인식을 주었으나카일베이스씨는 우리는 결코정상적인 상황이 아니라고 지적하였다.


부채는 로켓트처럼 하늘에 치솟게 되고 우리는 계속  지불할 수는 없을것이다.


부채을 지불하지 않는 경우 마피아가처럼우리의 채권자는 결국에 다리를 부러뜨리는것으로 갈것이다.'(전쟁)


그러나 우리는 여기에 전체 주권 국가의 부채에 대해 얘기하고그래서 '돌보는데'연장은 쇠지레나 야구배트가 아니라 군인탱크대륙간 탄도 미사일에 있습니다.


전쟁이 다가오고있다 -  .


미국인의 99%는 정부는 모든걸 배려하고 자비롭다고 믿는 마지막 사람이  것입니다.

 이 경고를 무시한다면 거기에 따르는 위험은 당신의 책임이다.



You Know How This Ends Right? This Ends Through War.

In 2006, when Americans were flying high on ever-expanding credit and double digit real estate growth, hedge fund manager Kyle Bass came to the conclusion that something was very wrong. He and his investors determined that a massive real estate bubble was forming in sub-prime mortgages. But rather than just making a prediction, they put their money where their mouth was, and took a $4 billion gamble that the real estate market was about to detonate.

At the time, many in the industry and within financial circles thought him crazy.

History, however, proves he was right.

When the real estate bubble did finally burst, stock markets plummeted and mortgage backed securities fell to pennies on the dollar. Bass and his hedge fund made billions in the process.

Bass’ foresight was 20/20, and now he has issued a warning so dire that it, like the real estate crisis and recession that followed, is unimaginable for most Americans.

In many of these situations the quantitative analysis is already done. It’s just a question of when will this unravel and how will it unravel, which I think is the key when we’re thinking about the chronology of events and the likelihood of events going forward.

Something that I think is really important to pay attention to, in the last 10 years debts around the world – this is total credit market debts, this is on balance sheets, sovereign obligations, corporate debt, household debt – has grown from $80 trillion to just over $200 trillion.

We sit today at the world’s largest peacetime accumulation of debt in world history…

…You know how this ends right?

This ends through war… 

…I don’t know who’s going to fight who, but I’m fairly certain in the next few years you will see wars erupt, and not just small ones…

You’re going to see more social unrest.

You saw HUGE riots in Greece, and you’re seeing HUGE riots in other parts of the world over food (and lack of food) and those are actually derivatives of the financial problems that we’re seeing. We’re exporting inflation to some other nations. Going forward it’s going to be a problem.

They’re not going to tell you [that a collapse is coming]. You’re going to have to see it for yourself. [During the Tequila crisis], the Mexican government affirmed they would not default, that they would not deval‍‍ue, almost daily. The day after they said “we wont deval‍‍ue,” they deval‍‍ued by 60%.

The government’s never going to tell you that it’s going to happen.

Greece’s Yunker said recently, ‘When it becomes serious—you have to lie’. These guys are never going to tell you the truth, because they can’t tell you the truth. Their job is to promote confidence, not to tell you the truth.

Watch Kyle Bass:
Full Speech at the AmerCatalyst 2012 Conference (Approx 1 hour)

The United StatesEurope and the rest of the world have created more debt than has ever existed in the history of the world. Debt is nothing more than a representation (and expectation) of future earnings – future work. But, as many of us know, there has been so much money borrowed that we can’t possible every expect to pay it back. In fact, the only thing we can expect is that we will continue to take on even more debt.

At some point in the (near) future, the plug is going to be pulled and no one is going to lend anyone any more money. We saw this on a small scale in 2008 when credit markets around the world froze up. No one was lending money. There was so much risk that banks not only refused to lend money to individuals and businesses, but they refused to even lend each other money.

Central banks around the world, namely the U.S. Federal Reserve, calmed financial markets by pumping out trillions of dollars in emergency lending. This gave many a perception that things were returning to normal, but as Kyle Bass points out, we are in anything but a normal situation.

Debt has sky rocketed and we’re not going to pay it back – ever.

Like the mafia does when debts don’t get paid, our creditors are eventually going to resort to ‘breaking some legs.’

But we’re talking about debts of entire sovereign nations here, so the tools used to ‘take care of it’ won’t be crowbars or baseball bats, but rather, soldiers, tanks and intercontinental ballistic missiles.

War is coming – just as it has throughout history.

And the 99% of Americans who believe in a benevolent, all knowing, all caring government will be the last ones to get the memo.

Ignore the warnings at your peril.


출처: 달러와 금 관련 경제소식들/07님

**번역이 매끄럽지않으므로 영어되시는 분들은 밑의 원문참고하세요