최근 지진현황

2013. 1. 27. 11:05자연재해와 전염병

아래 자기장 도표는 일본 동경대학에서 제공한 초저주파수 지자기장 도표이다. 세계표준시간으로 

1.25일 12시부터 26일 20시의 기록이다. 강도가 상당히 높은데 이 정도면 2011. 3. 11후쿠시마지진이

 발생하기전과 비슷하다고 한다.

각별하게 지켜볼 필요가 있을 것으로 보인다.

he image below is a time-frequency spectrogram, which shows the frequency content of signals recorded by the HAARP Induction Magnetometer. This instrument, provided by the University of Tokyo, measures temporal variations in the geomagnetic field in the ULF (ultra-low frequency) range of 0-5 Hz. The spectrogram images are produced by computing the PSD (power spectral density) of successive 102.4-second segments of timeseries data, and plotting these spectra as color/intensity slices along a 24-hour scale. If the images below are not too interesting, you might want to look at 02 Sep 2004 for an example of narrowband PC1 pulsations, or27 Jul 2004 for an example of wideband ULF noise during a magnetic substorm. Expanded plots of the last 12 hourslast 6 hourslast 3 hours, and last 1 hour are also available.

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