옐로우스톤-세기를 가를 큰 영향 주게 될 것

2014. 6. 28. 19:51자연재해와 전염병

옐로우스톤이 폭발하면 기원전,후를 BC와 AD 로 구분하듯이 YB 와 YA(Before Yellowstone,After Yellowstone) 로 역사가 구분될정도로 엄청난 사건이 될거라고 합니다. 3개월 이내로 폭발할거라고 하네요. 북반구 전체에 큰 영향이 있겠지요.



Something’s Getting Ready To Go Down – Yellowstone – Tom Lupshu Reports

Friday, June 27, 2014 5:36
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(Before It's News)

In this newly released video report from Before It’s News friend Tom Lupshu he shares with uspossible before and after Yellowstone eruption scenarios and gives us information on how to best ensure our own family’s survival WHEN Yellowstone finally erupts. Sharing that time may even soon be divided up into ‘Before Yellowstone’ and ‘After Yellowstone’ time frames, Tom warns this one event will forever change the world we live in. Visit Tom’s Bunker Report on Facebook for more survival tips and information.


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