30 일 식품 비축 경고! (미국)& 미국트럭운전사의 파업으로 인해

2013. 9. 19. 15:52생존전략

 ****구글번역기에 일부를 돌렸는데 내용이 다를수도 있습니다. 아래 영어원문참고하시기를..........


출처; http://www.shtfplan.com/headline-news/convoy-to-d-c-truckers-to-shut-down-america-in-october_09172013

미국 트럭 운전사 는 버락 오바마 비참한 정책 에 항의하기 위해 부분적으로 10 월 11 일과 2013 년 10 월 13일 사이에 사흘 동안 미국 폐쇄 를 계획 하고 있다이메일 은 미국인은 식량 공급이나 연료와 의약품을 포함한 물자의 공급을 30일분쯤 준비하도록 경고가 전송 됩니다 전자 메일 경고 는 단지 Beforeitsnews 와 자유 전초와 마찬가지로 두 개의 비디오 클립이 아래에 게재되어 짧은 클립으로 받았다. :

운송 회사를 운영하는 그 가족의 누군가가 10 월 행진 reagancoalition.com 시와 Facebook 페이지에 등장해서 백만 트럭 운전사를 구성 할 때 전혀 놀라지 않았습니다

이것은 트럭운전사들이 게시한 메시지의 하나 인 폐쇄 미국 나의 동료 애국자의 노력에 의해 미국폐쇄, 10 월 11 - 13일 일간의 파업을 하는 메이저 트럭 운전사를 지원 하는 것입니다.

오바마케아가 유효하게 될 것이며대부분의 사람들이 행동을 취할 준비가 되어 있습니다당신이 필요로 하는 품목들주식거래라든가은행업무쇼핑돈 거래를 할 수 없을 것입니다.


어떤 이유로 이 미국 폐쇄 "로 인해 식품과 연료 공급 두절이 발생 하지 않을지라도 비상 식량 연료의약품등을 30 일분을 비축해두는 것은 항상 좋은 것입니다사실모든 미국인이 준비해야 합니다우리 독자로부터의 메일 경고 !

       Truckers in America are planning on ‘shutting down America’ for three days between October 11th and October 13th, 2013 in part to protest against the disastrous policies of Barack Obama. An email is being sent out warning Americans to stock up with 30 days supply of food and to be ready for the potential disruption of other chains of supplies, including fuel and medical supplies. The email warning just received by Beforeitsnews and a short clip from Freedom Outpost as well as 2 video clips are posted below.:

As someone whose family operates a trucking company, there was no surprise when the announcement to organize a one million trucker march in October appeared online at reagancoalition.com and on a Facebook page.

There is a Facebook page called “Truckers to Shutdown America.” (Facebook page now has over 16,000 likes!) This is one of the messages they posted: My fellow patriot this effort is to support the truckers in a major shut down of America on  a 3 day strike October 11th thru 13th. Obamacare will be in effect and most people will be ready to take action. No commerce on those days stock up on items that you will need. No banking no shopping no money transactions.

It does not matter if a million or 50 roll through DC in this effort. Congress will listen to We the People. Which is remove Obama from office for crimes of treason and misdemeanors. We want Congressional hearing on Benghazi and Seal Team 6. Louis Lerner put in jail. No amnesty, remove all Muslims in our government who do not uphold the Constitution. Remove Eric Holder from office for crimes against the people and the Constitution. Last but not least is Fuel prices. Much more below including the warning to stock up on 30 days food/supplies now.

If for some reason, this ‘shutdown of America’ doesn’t cause a disruption of food or fuel supply, it’s ALWAYS good to have a 30-day supply of emergency food, fuel and medical supplies on hand, anyways. In fact, all Americans should be that prepared. The email warning from our reader!

I, for one, intend to support the trucker community in their endeavors. That should come as no surprise from someone who was described as an “ignorant, stupid, brain dead right-wing woman” since the family trucking company will be participating.

A million bikers drove through Washington; several thousand trucks sure can. I think the truckers, along with a few patriotic Americans in cars, pickup trucks and SUVs, would be just the ticket to tell all of those who are intent on  trashing our Constitution they are dealing with Americans – a sleeping giant if you will. It can be done America. We must stand together.

Mark your calendars folks for October 11th through October 13th and support the Million Trucker March. Make sure you have enough provisions to last approximately 30 days as it could take that long to restock stores with goods.

I’ll leave you with some appropriate song lyrics by William D. Fries, Jr.:

Coz we got a little convoy rockin’ thru the night

Yeah we got a little convoy aint she a beautiful sight

Come on and join our convoy aint nothin’ gonna get in our way

We gonna roll this truckin’ convoy across the USA



