짐 윌리: 붕괴가 문앞에 있습니다

2013. 3. 14. 10:30생존전략

자유의 붕괴와 새로운 경찰 국가

후쿠시마 2년 '처음보다 방사능 낙진의 영향 커'

실버 연구소는 실버의 새로운 비디오를 출시

미국이 실패한 이유

실버 불릿 실버 실드 판매

실버 업데이트 13/3/11 실버를 시각화

금융의 무덤? 

하늘에서 신호마지막 추기경 회의계시 13 3-13-13

 이동하려면 카운트 다운 : 행성 X (Nibiru)

무언가가 벌어지고!

음식에 문제가있는 것입니다음식 솔루션입니다 : 자신의 식량을 재배하는 것은 자신의 돈을인쇄하는것과 같습니다

고대 이집트와 현대 기독교 비전 연금술

미국을 죽이는 건 : 런던 뱅

스터에 의해 미국의 공화국을 상대로벌인 비밀 전쟁입니다

DNA 몸을 아래로 영향을 미치는 메인 스트림 음악을 통해 인류의 전형

 윌리 : 붕괴가 문앞에 있습니다


글로벌 금융 붕괴가 지금 문앞에 있으며최종 목표는 유럽의 작은 중간 크기의 은행의 실패에 의해 유발됩니다지금 붕괴가 일어나고 - 2   같은  슬로우 모션이  이상 없습니다 모든 일또는 몇주 새로운 이벤트입니다.속도는 활발해지고 있습니다.

관리 시스템이 성공할수없고 , 너무 복잡합니다 . 그들은 전체 시스템 관리의 시스템으로 작동을시도하고제대로 작동하지 않을것입니다.

클라이 막스 이벤트 시리즈는  출시  예정입니다변경 사항은 신속하고  막힐 것입니다.


막대한 재산은 지난 3~4년전에 있었으며 힘이 동쪽으로 이동되었습니다.

깊은 손상의 파급 효과를 일으킬 수있는  가지 겉보기에 사소한 은행의 실패를 찾습니다.

여기에는 카운터 파티 계약 또는 중간 공급 기능사물 등의 약속과 연결된 대형 은행은 철거를 시작하려고 참여하려 하고있습니다.


 런던 은행은 남부 유럽에 광범위한 깊은 노출에서 프랑스 은행에 합류하였습니다지도자가잘린채 스스로를 설정했습니다.

윌리는 앞으로 유럽 파산이 글로벌 골드 러시에 불을 지필 것으로 SD 독자에게 알려줍니다.유일하게 남아있는 안전한 피난처로 USdollar 예약 상태에 끝을   있으며골드 무역 금융 플랫폼에 도착하게됩니다

윌리는 연방 준비 은행의 쓸데없는 다시 급증하는 주택 거품을 시도하여우리의 문앞에 막힐 글로벌 금융 붕괴가 나타납니다 클라이 막스 이벤트의 시리즈에 대해 설명합니다!


오고있는 붕괴가 지금 금과은을 살만큼 충분하거나 용감한 사람을 제외하고 서양사람들을 황폐화 시킬것입니다!

 유럽 파산이 오고 있습니다유럽 ​​파산 이벤트가 발생하면 안전을 위해 미친 출격일이 되고때문에  이상 자신의 유로 페그로(유로고정스위스 찾지 않을 것입니다유럽 ​​ 가격의 엄청난 상승이오고 있으며엄청난 충격과 되돌릴  없을 것입니다 글로벌 골드 러시거대한 짧은 덮개 집회   가격에 강력한 30% 50 % 상승은유럽 붕괴에 대한 응답으로 오고 불을 지필것입니다.

1월에서만  윌리는 "유럽 은행은 미국 연방 준비 은행 감독 달러 스왑 약정에서 1.2조달러의 수혜자였다.(1월에 연방준비가 유럽은행에 1.2조달러를 빌려줌)

그래서 이러한 채권의 플로팅  은행이 살아 유지하는 것이 바로 그것입니다그들은 좀비를 하고 있습니다유럽 붕괴 직전에 있다고 "윌리 박사는  말한다.

"골드 무역 금융 시스템 " 달러를 대신  수있는 장소에 이미 있습니다"그렇게되면윌리 박사는 새로 말한다. " 윌리 박사의 소스는 무역 금융 시스템이 7,000달러 달러 8,000  가격에 합의했다 "라고실버는 온스  $ 150  2백달러 될것이다





Willie states that a global financial collapse is now at our doorstep, and that the endgame will be triggered by a small-medium sized bank failure in Europe. The collapse is happening now- it’s no longer ultra-slow motion like 2 years ago.   It’s a new event every few days or weeks.  The pace is quickening.

The managed system cannot succeed, it’s too complex.  They are attempting to work towards a system of total system management, and it’s just not going to work.

A series of climax events is coming very soon.  The changes will be rapid and breath-taking. 

Vast wealth has been moving East the past 3-4 years, and with it great power. 
Look for some seemingly minor bank failure to cause a ripple effect of deeper damage.  
It’s going to involve larger banks tied with commitments such as counter-party contracts or intermediary supply functions, and things are just going to start wrecking. 


 The London banks which are joined by French banks in broad deep exposure toSouthern Europe. They’ve set themselves up to have their heads cut off.

Willie informs SD readers that the coming European bust will ignite a global Gold rush as the only remaining safe haven, will see an end to the reserve status of the USdollar, and will result in the arrival of the Gold Trade Finance platforms. 

Willie also discusses The Fed’s futile attempts to re-inflate the housing bubble, and the series of climax events that will bring a breath-taking global financial collapse to our doorstep!
The Golden Jackass states that the coming collapse will devastate everyone in the West except those who are bold enough and brave enough to buy gold & silver NOW!

A big European bust is coming. When the European bust events occur, the mad scramble for safety will be on, and they’re not going to be looking for Switzerland any longer because of their Euro peg. A massive rise in the European gold price is coming and it will be staggering, shocking and not reversible. It will ignite a global Gold rush, a massive short covering rally, and powerful 30% to 50% rise in the gold price will come in response to the European collapse.

Jim Willie “In January alone, the European banks were the beneficiaries of $1.2 trillion from dollar swap facilities as directed by the U.S. Fed.  That’s what’s keeping these bonds floating and the banks alive.  They’re zombies.”  Dr. Willie says, “Europe is on the verge of collapse.”  When it does, Dr. Willie says a new “Gold Trade Finance System” is already in place to take over for the dollar.  Dr. Willie’s sources say, “The trade finance system has already agreed on a gold price of $7,000 to $8,000.  Silver would be $150 to $200 per ounce 

달러와 금 관련 경제소식들/ 07
