위기의 시간에 교환할 수있는 아주 중요한 20가지 품목들

2015. 1. 8. 22:50생존전략



위기의 시간에 교환할 수있는 아주 중요한 20가지 품목들  

Wednesday, November 13, 2013 8:26




(Before It's News)

By Josey Wales


Things to Stockpile with High Barter Value


구급품과 항생제  First aid – Antibiotics – Medicine is hard to stock up on unless you have a very understanding doctor. Fortunately, there are sources for antibiotics you can take advantage of now and stock up before the hospitals are overflowing with people.


담배  Cigarettes. I hate smoking, and can’t stand being around anyone that smokes. But Having said that, I recognize that in a SHTF situation many others will be cut off from their access to cigarettes, so there is plenty of barter potential.


비누  Soap. Bars of soap, and even those little cleaning napkins/wipes that you get at the BBQ restaurants could be very valuable in a SHTF scenario. Learning to make soap is easy and a skill that can never be taken from you. Ever see “The Book of Eli?”


탄알  Bullets. Obviously, it’s a good idea to have a decent store of ammo representing all calibers of the weapons you own. However, it is also a good idea to store extra ammo in common calibers (9mm, .22, .38, 12-guage shells, etc.) as a potential barter. After all, a gun without ammo is just an inacurate throwing object.


주류 Alcohol. Alcohol could serve a variety of purposes in a SHTF situation. It is valuable as a potential bartering commodity, and it also has medicinal uses. Did you know Vodka is a great home remedy to counteract the reaction to poison ivy?


군용 식량  MREs. More portable and easier to barter than larger 5-gallon buckets, or even #10 cans of dried foods, MREs are great to have on hand for bartering. Keep a variety of flavors and different kinds of foods because you could be holding something that could complete a meal for a hungry person.


은전  Silver Coins. Keep in mind this doesn’t necessarily mean only silver dollars with a full ounce of silver, but even older, less expensive coins with a high silver component (the 1964 Kennedy half-dollar, for example).


세제  Detergent. Don’t think people are interested in bartering detergent? Check out the story about the recent rash of detergent thefts across the country. Apparently, Tide detergent on the black market is now referred to as “liquid gold.” Interesting.


물병  Water bottles. To someone in bad need of water, a water bottle could be worth its weight in gold. Remember the rule of threes: you can live three minutes without air, three days without water, and three weeks without food. Store accordingly.


성냥과 라이터  Matches and lighters. A box of matches is relatively inexpensive, but for someone needing to build a fire a pack of matches or a lighter could be very valuable. Be sure these are stored safely, and if they are not waterproof make them so by storing in a watertight container.


설탕  Sugar. My grandfather used to tell stories of things that were in limited supply in the Great Depression. Sugar was something he often mentioned. Imagine how easily you could win over a sweet-tooth with the promise of a bag of sugar in exchange for something you are short on.


화장실 휴지 Toilet paper. This one is rather self-explanatory, isn’t it? Sure, there are substitutes for Charmin, but who wants to keep using leaves when paper feels so much better.


음용수 필터/ 소독제  Water Filters/Purifiers. Water purification drops and filters could mean the difference in offering family members treated water or potentially harmful, bacteria-infested water. Who’d be willing to trade for that?


표백 소독제  Bleach. May be used to disinfect water, or keep living quarters and soiled clothing sanitized.


배터리  Batteries. Can be used to power up flashlights, radios, and other electronic devices.


양초  Candles. Emergency candles would be a great barter item for those in need of providing some light to their living quarters without electricity. Plus another skill you can add to your developing skill sets.

(양초는 빛을 밝혀주고, 온기를 주기도 합니다. 그런데 수명이 짧으니 최근에 등산 램프를 LED 로 만든게 배터리 전력도 적게 소모하면서 밝기는 엄청 밝습니다. 가격도 저렴하니 그것을 이용하세요. 동대문 근방 좌판대 등에서 많이 팝니다.)



부탄가스 버너  Propane – Small propane canisters like the kind for camping grills or lanterns are relatively cheap and could make an excellent barter item.


종자  Seeds – Seeds will be one of the most valuable commodities we can have on hand. Everyone needs to be able to eat.


서적  Books – Resource books and even fiction books. Without our modern distractions, a good book will be welcome to someone who has the time to chill out or who needs to learn something.


작업 도구  Hand Tools – People will have to have tools to survive, wether it be gardening or repairs on their shelter, small hand tools will be very barterable. Garage sales and auctions are a great place to buy these tools cheap.

The list goes on. What other items would you add to your barter list?

Critical Reads: More News Mainstream Media Chooses To Ignore By Josey Wales, Click Here!


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